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The Consulate General of the Philippines

Writer's picture: Roberto AtienzaRoberto Atienza

"Jesus said to them, 'Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's'" (Mark 12:17, ESV).

The preparations for our move to the Philippines have kicked into high gear. Last week we made a quick trip to Chicago to visit the Consulate General of the Philippines. The Consulate in Chicago services much of the Midwest and as dual-citizens (of the Philippines and the United States) the kids and I needed to make sure that all of our paperwork was in order. We also thought we'd ask whether or not Heather, who is not a dual-citizen, should try obtaining her permanent residency State-side, or simply wait until after we move. Though Summer may have just begun, the Fall, and our target move date, are fast approaching.

By God's grace, everything went smoothly and efficiently. The Lord has been faithfully paving the way. He is reminding us daily that we are "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). Heather, the kids, and I are absolutely floored by how He has been answering prayers and opening doors. A few years ago we visited the Consulate General and the line for passports alone was hours long. We were praying that this year would be different, and it was! The entire process took roughly half an hour!

If you are a kababayan wondering about dual-citizenship, I can tell you that the process is extremely simple. When I reclaimed my Philippine citizenship years ago, the hardest part of the process was obtaining my PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority, formerly NSO) birth certificate, but even that proved to be simple because you can order it online directly from their website (expect it to arrive in 4-6 weeks). You can also find all of the forms you need on the Consulate General's website here.

And, even more good news, if you live in Minnesota and Chicago is just too far for you to drive, there will be a Consular Outreach visit (where the Consulate comes out here to the Twin Cities) this coming August 24th (you can find out all about that event here).

Some have asked why we reclaimed our Philippine citizenship to begin with. Aside from it being a matter of identification with the land of my birth, it also grants the benefit of voting in Philippine elections as well as owning real estate property in the Philippines. Not only that, but a Philippine citizen is able to obtain a Philippine passport which comes with its own little known perks (for example, during the last FIFA World Cup in Brazil, Filipinos entering Brazil with a Philippine passport are granted an automatic 30-day tourist visa, while Americans with American passports are not).

Prayer Requests

My family and I have decided to sell our home in Richfield. Please pray with us as we get the home ready to be sold, pack some of our belongings into balikbayan boxes, and sell/store the rest. June is also proving to be very busy with our church Family Camp coming up, a new school semester starting, and our continued fundraising (keep posted for a potential really big, and really fun, fundraising event on July 27th). Pray that we keep our focus on the Lord and the vision/calling He has given to us to serve the children and people of Cebu.



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