In mid-March we were able to spend a couple of weeks in Cebu City to spend time with the folks at the Children's Shelter of Cebu. It was our kids' first time in the "Queen City of the South."

There are sights and sounds that are unique to each of the places we've lived. LA had the constant hum of the highway at all hours of the day; the smell of smog (haha) but also the fresh, salty ocean breeze on a day at the beach. The Twin Cities has that highway hum to a lesser degree, mixed with the sounds of cardinals, meadow larks, and our three egg-laying chickens. The smell of a Summer rain, a freshly cut soccer pitch ... these are all things that our family will remember.
Cebu City, in many ways, is like a combination of both, amplified 100x. Just take a look and listen at the video below.
There will be some adjusting to be sure, but we are, all of us, looking forward to the new memories, friendships, and God-honoring relationships we'll forge in our new home once we move this coming Fall.
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" (1 Chronicles 16:24)

Prayer Request
We are in the process of selling various items in our home that we know we will not want to keep in storage or bring with us to the Philippines. TV's, book cases, furniture ... so many things have now found their way onto Facebook marketplace and Craigslist. Pray that the Lord continues to bless our efforts as we prepare for our move. For His glory.