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  • Writer's pictureRoberto Atienza

Stickiness (A Story About Tape)

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

Have you ever pondered the nature of packing tape?

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah"

(Psalm 46:1-3)

Emoji Tape
You make an impact on the lives of our children.

Traveling between Minnesota and Cebu, I’ve had the unique opportunity of regularly handling packing tape; lots and lots of packing tape. If any of you have had the pleasure, you know just how sticky packing tape can be. Once it’s made contact with any surface, tiny bits of that surface will be stuck to the tape forever. Dust from a shirt, fibers from a carboard box, even fingerprints; everything can easily get trapped on the business end of a piece of packing tape. Why? Because that's the nature of tape … that is, until it isn’t. Eventually, after several layers of dirt and lint, the tape loses its stickiness, defined more by its history of contact than by the purpose for which it was created.

The other day, I sat on the front stoop of Eicher Home (one of the four homes at CSC). I had just finished spending a few hours reviewing case files with our social workers, recounting the troubled history of some of our kids. As I sat there, looking out across the yard at the joyful faces of the children playing, I began to ponder packing tape. All the children at CSC come from backgrounds of trauma; like sticky tape, they carry with them the remnants of contacts made over the years. Some of those contacts are painful. Though brief, they still managed to leave deep and lasting scars; large voids of “un-stickiness.” One might think, after experiencing what some of our children have experienced, that there wouldn’t be any stickiness left at all; that in place of a child that is filled with hopefulness and innocence, all that would be left is the sum of painful memories.

Thanks to you—thanks to your prayers and support—that is not the case for our children. Because of what you do, CSC can provide a nurturing, Christ-centered home; a place where children can learn to hope again, and where they can learn to trust again. Unlike tape, our children are able to regain their stickiness as they experience the care of trusted, loving adults. The stability and support CSC provides encourages children to recapture a bit of what they may have lost, all while preparing them for a beautiful future. They may still carry with them the marks of the past, but they are now no longer defined by them. Instead, they are increasingly defined by love and hopefulness such that their past contacts don’t hinder their purpose, they instead add to the beautiful tapestry of their lives.

On behalf of all of the tape in Cebu, thank you for caring enough to leave your mark. The contact may be brief, but its effect is lasting and powerful.



The 15th Anniversary Concert of Living Word IT Park.
The 15th Anniversary Concert of Living Word IT Park.

On November 24th, a local church called Living Word IT Park will be celebrating its 15th Anniversary! This is the same church that held a VBS for all of the kids at the Shelter last Summer (it's also the church where Juana and Bastiaan attend Youth Group, and where our family participates in a variety of ministries).

For their 15th Anniversary, they will be having a large evangelistic concert in the heart of Cebu City (the Summit Galleria, which is right next to the Fuente Osmeña, the literal center of the city), and the church decided to donate half of the proceeds of the concert to the Children's Shelter of Cebu! What a blessing!

Please pray that through this concert, the Gospel will be clearly preached and that many in Cebu City (and beyond) will come to know, confess, and believe in the forgiveness and salvation that can be found in Christ Jesus. Many of the kids at the Shelter will be able to attend as well. Pray for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship for all who can go!

Living Word IT Park's VBS at the Children's Shelter of Cebu.
Living Word IT Park's VBS at the Children's Shelter of Cebu.

Prayer Requests:

  • Last week, the children at CSC that attend the University of Cebu had their mid-term exams! The funny thing, at exactly the same time, Dietrich and Tessiana who both attend the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN also had their mid-term exams! Please pray for Dietrich, Tessi, and all of the children at CSC as they anxiously await their test/essay results; that the Lord would continue to grant them success in their studies and continue to lead them as they march towards their future.

  • Please pray for the health of our family, our churchmates, and the kids and staff of CSC. There has been a strange illness going around through our communities, and it even hit our family hard the past 2-3 weeks. Last week (and late the week before), the adults in our household (Roberto and Heather) were ill with flu-like symptoms, fever, severe head-aches, body aches, and even muscle cramps. This week, Bastiaan and Juana are suffering through the same illness. Please pray that all who are sick may be able to recover quickly, and that the illness doesn't continue to spread.

  • Last, but not least, the building project for our facility for the older kids has officially begun. The very first cement pour of the footings took place on July 21st, 2023. The build has been split into two phases: a structural phase and an architectural phase. If all goes according to plan, the structural portion of the build will be completed in just under a year while the architectural phase will take another six months. Please continue to pray for a smooth and safe construction and that the kids who are part of our Independent Living Program, as well as our Semi-Independent Living Program, will be able to move-in in early 2025.

(click the arrows to scroll left and right through the pictures below)


Thank you all again for praying with us, and for your encouragement, love, and support. May the Lord's blessings be with you all!

Learn more about the Children's Shelter of Cebu here.

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