Makita ang dating kanlungan; tahanan ng ating tula at pangarap.
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22)
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We have both an exciting announcement as well as an important prayer request to share!

While in past years we have traveled to the United States during the North American Summer, this year we will be in Minnesota during the Fall! Our family has boarded a jet-plane and will be spending about six weeks in the US!
Please pray for safe travels and for a blessed and fruitful time away from our home in Cebu. Below is a list of churches and places we'll be visiting. While it isn't an exhaustive list, we hope to be able to connect with as many people as we can during our Fall home assignment, so if you're in one of these areas please stop by to say hi and/or drop us a line! We would love to visit with you and share about all of the amazing things that the Lord is doing in the Philippines.
Community of Nations Church (Roseville, MN) during their "Festival of Nations" Event - September 8th
Emmanuel Baptist Church (Mora, MN) - September 15th
Central Baptist Church (St. Paul, MN) - September 28th
We'll also be traveling (Heather and I) to Tennessee on September 18th and 19th to attend the CAFO2024 conference hosted by the Christian Alliance For Orphans. Please pray with us regarding this conference; that we would be able to learn a ton, as well as connect with and encourage other advocates of adoption and alternative child-care from around the world (that we could both equip and be equipped).
While in the United States, we will also endeavor to bring everyone up to speed on the ministry in Cebu through in-person meetings, our blog posts, etc. Thank you all for your fervent prayers and unwavering support. To God be the glory!

Pray that God would allow us to accomplish the good deeds He has prepared in advance for us to do during our trip to the US. Pray that we are able to communicate well the things God has done, as well as the plans which the Lord has impressed upon our hearts for the future of the ministry.
Both Dietrich and Tessi have just started the new school year at UNWSP (University of Northwester, St. Paul). We can't believe how time flies! This year, Dietrich is starting his 3rd year of college, while Tessi is starting her 2nd! May the Lord continue to be honored and glorified in and through their lives.
Upon arrival, we will take the first few days to just unpack, get our bearings, and defeat jet-lag. Please pray with us for our time in Minnesota; that we're able to hit the ground running and effectively share the news of what God is doing in Cebu.
Thank you for being a part of this! God bless!
Learn more about the Children's Shelter of Cebu here.
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