Marlys: "What is it that [child's name] drew for his assignment?"
Teacher Cora: "He said that it's a picture of cars falling into the water ..."

During last week's parent teacher conferences, one child's teacher presented an art assignment where students were asked to draw a picture of something that they fear.
While a number of kids drew pictures of snakes, spiders, and other creepy-crawlies (things that you'd expect children to be afraid of), one child drew what looked like black boxes falling into a long squiggly line of blue. Marlys, who was seated next to me, asked what the child drew in that picture. In a calm voice, Teacher Cora (one of the extremely wonderful and talented teachers at CCHS) said that the child told her that he fears cars falling into water, so the black boxes are cars, and the squiggly blue lines are the ocean ...
At regular intervals, the Cebu Children of Hope School (CCHS) holds parent-teacher conferences for the missionaries, House-Parents, and Social Workers at the Children's Shelter of Cebu (you can read more about CCHS here). These conferences provide a wonderful snapshot of a child's academic progress and are just one of the many ways that all of us at CSC stay connected, and in so doing, provide the best and most comprehensive care to all of our children.
Being new to the Field Director role, it was a lot to process; not just mentally but also emotionally. Even in the short time I've been here, I've already fallen in love with all of these kids. I was excited to hear a comprehensive report on their academics, but what I hadn't anticipated was the emotion that could be tied to something as simple as an art assignment.

The child who drew the picture of "cars falling into the water" was living on the streets at the Cebu City Fish Market with his brother before he came to CSC. Just before being brought to the Shelter, his older brother fell into the water and nearly drowned. Fortunately a bystander heard the boys' cry for help and was able to rescue the child from the water. No one can say for certain if that's why this little first-grader chose to draw a picture of cars falling into the water, but one can't help but wonder what might have become of them had they continued living on the streets. By God's grace, these boys are now able to live in a home-setting at CSC, attend school, have parent-teacher conferences, be taught and shown the love of Jesus Christ ... and pray with all of us that their heavenly Father would send them an earthly family to call their own.
There are so many stories at CSC; so many amazing accounts of God's mercy, faithfulness, provision, and love. I just want all of you to know that you are a major part of that ... and I thank you.
"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity ..." (Psalm 68:5-6)
I am happy to report that Heather, the kids, and I have been adjusting well to life in the Philippines. As a family, we've been taking the time to stay connected by exploring more of Cebu together. All of us, myself included, are seeing things with fresh eyes, but it's particularly interesting (i.e. - funny) to take note of what stands out to the kids.
At their request, I am sharing pictures of some of the things that we've come across so that our blog isn't so (in their words) "serious" all the time 😉.
First is an image which is very common in Cebu (and one that we're certain would not be appropriate anywhere in the States): a car with a warning sticker that says, "Caution: New Lady Driver." We even found the store that sells the stickers (second image)! The third is a picture of just one of the many off-brand toys that actually look just as cool (if not cooler) than their name brand counterparts. Fourth is a picture of an entire section of pants in a department store that come in a special "Asian Fit" size/style. In case you're wondering ... no, I didn't ask the store associate what makes the"Asian Fit" different. And lastly, here is a picture of our kids on our family outing to Tops Overlook. Tops is a large, flat open area high atop Mt. Busay which has breathtaking views of Cebu, Mactan Island, and (if you look closely enough) the island of Bohol in the distance.
• There are a lot of illnesses going around at the Shelter as was posted on Facebook. Please continue to pray for all of the kids and staff as these illnesses work through our community. One child even contracted dengue fever. If you're not familiar with that illness, you can read about it on the CDC website here. It's a mosquito-borne disease which can be very dangerous. There are also a lot of very high fevers. Please pray for the nurses as they take care of the kids, and pray that the kids who are ill recover quickly. Please also pray that the illnesses do not spread to even more kids because whatever is going around appears to be quite contagious.
• It's still rainy season out here and the roads get flooded quickly. Continue praying for safe travels for all of the kids at the Shelter, the workers, and the medical staff, especially since many trips are now being made to hospitals because of the illnesses in all of the homes.
• Pray that our family can continue adjusting to Philippine life, and that we pick up the language quickly.