It was such a tremendous blessing and honor to be able to attend, and speak, at this year's CSC (Children's Shelter of Cebu) Banquet at Bethel University! It was wonderful to meet so many folks who have been a touched by the ministry at CSC over the past 40 years. From the beautiful message from Jill Grasley (CSC's Stateside Director), the powerful and moving video of Eunice and Gerald (starting at the 46 minute mark), the stories of hope shared by Joe and Sam (twins that lived at the Shelter, starting at 39 minutes), and the unforgettable address from our President, Tim Holmberg (starting at 56 minutes), the presence, power, and hand of the Lord is palpable throughout.
Check out the video below to watch any/all of the things mentioned above. To God be the glory, and again, THANK YOU ALL for entrusting me with the task of continuing a legacy of caring for kids who would otherwise go unloved.