“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light and momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen“ (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
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There are a number of big things in the pipeline for our family, and for the ministry!

First, we'd like to remind you all of CSC's Virtual Banquet this coming weekend! You may have already received a postcard like the one to the right. If so, don't forget to join us virtually on Saturday, April 24th at 7pm (Central Standard Time).
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, this year's annual banquet has been moved online. While I'm sure it can be disheartening to know that an in-person meeting in Minnesota has once again been cancelled (like it was in 2020), we're taking this as a blessed opportunity to join with all of you online in a unique, special, and fun way 😊.
If you can, please join us on Facebook where Heather, the kids, and I will be active in the live-chat; answering your questions, making funny anecdotes, and generally having a fun time. We can't wait to be able to connect with you all, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Speaking of "seeing you" ...

Our family also has some pretty exciting news! As you know, our initial plan when we first left for Cebu was to take a 6-week furlough every year. This would allow us to remain connected to our wonderful and blessed supporters (all of you) while having the smallest impact on the work here in Cebu (short furloughs would mean that the work could essentially continue unhindered).
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our 2020 furlough plans never materialized. However, this year we've worked it out to where we can take an 11-week furlough in the Summer! This should give us ample time to visit all of you, hug you and thank you in person, and share with you all of the wonderful, miraculous, unexpected, and beautiful things that the Lord has done in Cebu!
We will be departing from Cebu on May 25th (arriving in MSP on May 26th) and staying in the States until we head back to Cebu on August 10th. This past Tuesday, Heather was able to get out of the house (one of only a handful of times during the past year) to get her exit clearance "mug shots" ... haha. This was just one of the many steps we need to take in order to leave the Philippines.
Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, and support. What a blessing that we can now say, "see you soon!"
• Please continue to pray with us as we plan our furlough. Over the next couple of weeks we'll be reaching out to churches, supporters, and all of you to see when we can connect in person. We're also making appointments with doctors, dentists ... you know, all of the fun stuff that I'm sure the kids are looking forward to. Pray that we are able to use the time wisely and for the glory of God.
• Please pray that the process of leaving the country goes smoothly. Heather will need an exit clearance and we'll all need to take the coronavirus test within 3-days of our departure. Pray that the tests come back negative and that all goes well.
• Pray as well for our journey back! So many flights have been cancelled because of international travel restrictions that the route we're taking has us going "the long way" around the planet. We head out of Cebu bound for Doha, Qatar. We then leave Doha and head for Dallas, TX. Finally, we'll head from Dallas to the Twin Cities. Pray for safety, calm, and patience 😊 as the entire trip will be 36-38 hours.
• Pray that all of the technology continues to work so that we can remain connected to the goings-on at the Shelter while we're away. We have an amazing leadership team here in Cebu, amazing children, and awesome work that's going on. Pray that everything can continue smoothly for the glory of God and for these precious children.
Thank you again for praying with us, and for all your love and support. May the Lord continue to bless, lead, and guide all of us as we seek to serve Him!
Learn more about the Children's Shelter of Cebu here.
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