"But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me" (Psalm 13:5-6).
This year marks our 5th Thanksgiving in Cebu City, serving at the Children's Shelter of Cebu. To commemorate this milestone, I asked everyone to answer two questions:
What are you most thankful for this year?
What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory from the past five years?
"I am most thankful for being able to order a new mattress 😊. Since arriving, we've been using a mattress given to us by a missionary family leaving the field. It has been a blessing, but was definitely getting along in years. Our new one was ordered and should arrive in a couple of weeks! Praise be to God!
My favorite Thanksgiving memories were our pandemic Thanksgiving celebrations. With the country's strict lockdown, we made almost everything from scratch, like home made french fried onions, stuffing, cranberry sauce from dried cranberries, and even cottage cheese (for verenika) made from boxed whole milk! The togetherness of being locked into our home together was truly a sweet experience."
"Most thankful for? I am thankful for a lot of things! I'm thankful for the friends I was able to create this last year, as well as the friendships I've been able to strengthen.
My favorite Thanksgiving memory was making pies during lockdown. We made so many different flavors and they were delicious!"
"There are a lot of things I am thankful for. I am thankful that a new 7-11 opened up just a block away from our house. My favorite Thanksgiving memory, so far, is walking to 7-11 to get Cornetto's (ice cream)."
"I am most thankful for my family, and for a new air purifier we were able to get for our home 😊. Since moving into the home we rent, I've had some allergies, maybe because of mold or dust. But recently, during the Shoppee 11.11 sale ... haha ... we purchased a Xiaomi air purifier and it has been a godsend. The place already smells less moldy and I havent had allergies since we started using it. Priase the Lord!

As far as a favorite Thanksgiving memory, it's hard to choose. There was the boodle fight at the Shelter our first Thanksgiving, the togetherness of our family during pandemic-Thanksgiving, and even our fast-food Tokyo-Tokyo Thanksgiving this year. I am thankful for the prayers and support of the brethren that allow us to minister in Cebu."
From the absolute bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much for your prayers, love, and support which allow us to serve the Lord here in Cebu. We are so thankful and beyond appreciative for each and every one of you. Thank you for making the last five Thanksgivings in Cebu possible. To God be the glory!
From the absolute bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!

Please pray for the Living Word IT Park Evangelistic concert which is TONIGHT (November 24th, 2023) at the Summit Galleria hotel in Cebu City. 800+ people will be in attendance to hear the Gospel message and sing songs of praise. Pray that many are confonted by the truth of the Gospel, come to know Jesus Christ as Lord, and trust in Him for their salvation. Half of the night's proceeds will also go to the Children's Shelter of Cebu so that we can continue to provide a Christian home setting to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected kids in Cebu, sharing the love of Christ and fulfilling our mission of supplying them with holistic spiritual, emotional, medical, educational, and placement services.
Please pray for the Thanksgiving celebrations at CSC will take place this Saturday, November 25th. We'll have a big Thanksgiving meal, as well as a Christmas decorations lighting ceremony!
Please pray for our ongoing building project at CSC. We have had quite a few rainy days, and anticipate even rainier days to come. Pray that the weather doesn't hamper the construction and that all at the construction site are able to remain safe. Please also pray for our older residents as we continue to prepare them to launch into a beautiful, sustainable, and God-honoring adult life in the Philippines.
Please pray for Dietrich and Tessi as they celebrate Thanksgiving in Minnesota, separate from the four of us here in Cebu (Roberto, Heather, Juana, and Bastiaan). Pray that, as a family, we will continue to be able to honor, serve, and glorify the Lord wherever He may take us.
May the Lord's blessings be with you all this Thanksgiving!
Learn more about the Children's Shelter of Cebu here.
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